2023- Performance&Video
Stage result of MA graduation work at Design Academy Eindhoven

In the small cube,
body among jungles of machines,
the mind in vigilance.
Repeating in between lines of diagnosis;
Counting the same tune of beeping;
Wrapped around the tiniest smudge on the wall.

as well as the demand for security,
growing into the materiality of the space.
Mind wears out reality,
cutting through into paranoia.
The slit of a predator’s pupil.

<Look Up...> is a research performance contributing to the installation work <Look Up With Me>. This earlier chapter focus on reenacting the unexpressed fear and mental vigilance in a medical space through repeating body movements. 

The performance explores unpredictable relationships the diseased individual forms with the medical room where the threat within body is externalised. This arena where fear plays out is forming a “Landscape of Fear”- a mental map that senses risk as well as security in environmantal elements.
The vigilant repeting gradually assumed an image of intimacy. Attatchment is formed where fear reenacts endlessly. 

The compulsive force of anxiety is menifested through repetitive movements with the use of charcoal.
This inert material act through its none-being. Representing our fear of becoming dust.