Blind Mutation

2021- Video/Ceramic

<Blind Mutation> presents a de-anthropocentric fiction. It reveals the psychological uncanniness beneath the fairytale-like notion of ‘connecting to nature’, inviting the viewers to reflect on the human complexity  behind environmental crisis.

A dialogue with the flow took place at the local river Gender in Eindhoven. The research documented a series of attempt of relationship-building, of unlearning and merging.
Yet these attempts evoked a fundamental fear of losing the human identity. The flow defies omnipotence. Surviving proceeds in a balancing way that transcends altruism and egoism.

Do we really want the connection? Are we ready to pay the price of human form, identity, and even cognition? Does the true horror lies in the doomsday catastrophe, or is it not being ourselves, left blind in the unfamiliar world, not knowing what to become?

Music by Rakhsha Ghazizadeh.

Shared signals of the chemical landscape in the flow regulate behaviors of different species, even morphing them in the change of climate.
A chemical we call "kairomone" is crucial in it, the word refers to ‘chemicals that are altruistic’, namely secreted by the predator to benefit the preys. But this simply can not be the intention of the predator.

We become fragile and fluid animals,

morphing ourself to strive for survival.

Will we become ugly, pathological,

or beautiful and magnificent creatures?

But then all those judgments may become ineffective if we are no longer human.

And if our minds are also morphing,

the fundamental way we perceive and interpret the world is changed,

would that be mercy, or cruelty?

Or is there simply no definition of ethics anymore?

What will we experience when morality is lost to us?