Erasing. Ascending.

2021 Video/Performance

A light spot slipping through the sky
Eyes concentrating on this tiny dot of unknown
Yet only reflection of our own being is witnessed
Pages of reports written and erased
Stories told and forgotten
We’re losing mass
Trying to escape this body
This hopeless planet

<Erasing. Ascending.> looks at the enthusiasm for UFO as the manifestation of the alienation between our cognitive capacity and the environment we live in. 

Ever since the telescope was pointed to the sky by Galileo, "the notion of an ordered cosmos of 'fixed stars' gave way to that of a universe infinite in both time and space."
(A. Koyre, 1969) From the unthinkable nuclear war, to the unthinkable environmental catastrophe. Our eyes are lifted above the ground, looking down at earth as simply a location for us to perform intelligence and build civilization.

Ufo is a ghost of the alienated human condition. Its metallic reflection and beguiling blackness marking our fundamental unfamilarity with the universal fate we’re attuned to. When our future becomes unimaginable, unthinkable, captured by layers of opaque narratives, our cognitive instinct is one of avoidance and escape.

Research Video