
2022- Video
Stage result of MA graduation work at Design Academy Eindhoven


Seeing, perceiving, shedding light onto the dark doesn't only satisfy human curiosity,
but they are means of possessing, of feeling in control of the Self represented by the body.

<Look......> is a short film contributing to the installation work <Look Up With Me>. This earlier chapter subverts the power dynamic between life-supporting machines and the patient through an ficticious imaging mechanism of the inner body.

We have become control freaks of our inner body by diving into more alien forms and smaller units that have never been in the capacity of our senses. Yet the more facts we gain from an organ, the more it appears as a separate entity, removable, replaceable, imitable.

An imaging mechanism is created to provide live imaging of the inner body. Yet the images is not to be interpreted by medical knowledge. The unreadability narrates a body as both part of one’s conception of the self and essentially out of one’s control.

Though objective reading is impossible, space is left for a paranoiac reading. Here images become painting, sounds become music.